Credit union-bank mergers approach all-time high

REV Federal Credit Union in suburban Charleston, South Carolina, plans to acquire First Neighborhood Bank in West Virginia. It marks the 15th deal this year involving a credit union buying a bank, closing in on 2022’s record of 16 deals.

Press Release: FDIC Issues List of Banks Examined for CRA Compliance

PRESS RELEASE | SEPTEMBER 4, 2024 FDIC Issues List of Banks Examined for CRA Compliance WASHINGTON – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today issued its list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).  The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in June 2024. […]

Regulators’ safety and soundness judgments face questions

Recent Supreme Court decisions reducing the ability of regulatory agencies to interpret the meaning of federal laws make it likely that supervisory decisions based on assessments of banks’ safety and soundness will face court challenges.

Five big questions as banks await Fed’s rate cut

After hikes pinched profits across the industry, a move in the opposite direction could be the start of a more promising trend. But bankers caution that the immediate effects of a September rate cut figure to be small.

Chicago mutuals plan to merge

The combined bank would have $150 million in assets, offer better service and more convenience, according to Pulaski Savings Bank and Mutual Federal Bank.

How shipping slows down faster payments

The trucking and transportation industry is highly fragmented with hundreds of thousands of participants and different processing systems. The $1 trillion in revenue has drawn processors and card companies armed with new tech.